Version 3.25 of PC-DMIS is a significant enhancement release of the software. Initial Release Date: March 19, 2002. *** Prior to the release of Version 3.25, Version 3.2063 was last official release of PC-DMIS by Brown & Sharpe and Wilcox Associates. -------------------------------- NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 3.25 ------------------------------------- * Translated DMIS syntax is now viewable in the Edit Window. - A new button in the Edit Window toolbar allows switching between Summary Mode, Command Mode, DMIS Mode, and the Report Mode. * An ability to save part programs in the format of previous versions was implemented. - The save format can only be done with version 3.2 and forward. * A Reverse Axis mode was added to reverse the coordinate system of the Arm2 of a dual-arm system when used in single arm mode which enables Arm1 programs to run without changes. - This method is implemented via a "-r" command line argument on the Arm2 machine. * UNDO and REDO commands were added for Edit Window operations. * The ability to print a listing of calibrated tip data. * AutoCones can now be programmed. * The command AUTOCALIBRATE/PROBE allows automatic calibration of all probes and tips used in a part program. * The command AUTOCALIBRATE/MASTERSLAVE allows automatic calibration of dual-arm CMMs in a part program. * The Probe Utilities Measure dialog window was redesigned for improved functionality. * Parameter sets can now be saved with probe files for simpler setup during probe calibration and usage with Autocalibration. * The Probe Utilities Add Angles dialog now implements a grid selection method for choosing probe tips. * The probe graphic in the Probe Utilities window updates with selected angles revealing probe head orientations and is also rotatable. * Adding new probe files begins with the last used probe components prior to the first toolchanger joint to ease creationg of new files. -------------------------- MAJOR ENHANCEMENTS FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS ------------------------------ * Column passing was added for machines with System 5 fixturing. * A radial Autotrigger tolerance zone for creating manual points. * Mark Child Mode and Mark Parents Mode which allow for marking only highlighted sections. * A positive deviation reporting option when the X,Y,or Z axes may be negative. * Better support of DMIS dual-arm programs which make use of the CRMODE and CRSLCT. * Iterative alignments now include starting and error lables as well as convergence values for more than 3-2-1 alignments. * Message prompting was improved for calibration of dual-arm machines. * Improved import of DMIS lines and planes to make the direction vector the closest possible to the nominal. * The DMIS COMMAND/PSTHRU option was added for setup options which can affect the part program. * Password protection is now available to the setup options. * The ability to obtain individual hit data from Auto Features and post it to DMIS programs. * Control commands within jumped program sections are no longer executed. * Reporting form deviation within the dimensions for standard geometric elements. * Debug file reset is now available at the start of each new execution. * Enhanced ON-ERROR functionality for Auto Features. * DES output files can now be created from nominal feature values. * A new marking method was implemented for Dual-Arm part programs to allow changable fonts in the Edit Window, clearer defined step-mode execution, and dual-arm commands (both arms execute). * Fly mode radius is adjustable in the Edit Window. * The Brown & Sharpe / DEA NC-100 video probing system is now supported. * Wrist devices composed of 3 axes (A, B, C angles) can now be used. Examples are the CW43_for_NC100 and CW43L_for_NC100. * DMIS Support upgraded from DMIS 3.0 to DMIS 4.0. NOTE: The PC-DMIS command set continues to provide superior functionality and capability than that of the DMIS standard commands. PC-DMIS also makes every attempt to adhere to the DMIS standard where possible but in some cases must extend standard DMIS so that these capabilities are not lost. As a result, programs exported from PC-DMIS to standard DMIS may contain macros and other customized syntax which can only be executed by PC-DMIS. ------------------------------------- OTHER ENHANCEMENTS ------------------------------------------ 210953 Tolerances and nominal dimensions can now be entered in Deg,Min,Sec format using the comma seperator. 209722 Viewset names now support 19 characters instead of 6. 209479 An operator mode icon was added to the install set. 209444 A Find and Replace option was addit to the Edit Window. 209436 The VisualBasic function PartProgram.OverrideExecuteSpeed was added to all speed changes during execution that are not programmed. 209238 User selectable calibration order, tip by tip. 209119 A ManDCC calibration method for always taking first manual point for all tips during calibration. 209068 Cylinders can now be constructed from 2 or more Auto Circles. 208940 Edge Point Only Mode is now available for creating Edge Point features. 208917 Check marks now display next the the AutoUtil | Relative Measure Setup option currently active. 208733 Sample hit defaults we added for Auto Features. 208699 An error message is now generated when a probe file is given an name using illegal characters. 208579 CAD models can be now oriented at angles other than machine axis angels in relation to machine coordinates. 207963 The ability to turn off some dimensions related text in hyper-reports. 207589 The RAWDAT keyword is not included when exporting DMIS for featuers measured with probe compnesation disabled. 207561 True Position can be evaluated to the normal vector of a feature as well as to the surface vector. 207472 Color coded fields were added to the Auto Features dialogs. 206943 An ability to do a Find vector when box selecting a group of Vector Points without IJK's. 206527 Curves can be selected now with just one click instead of on each curve segment. 206514 DEVANG can now be turned off on True Position dimensions. 206472 The Probe Calibration Wizard will accept equally spaced probe angles. 206453 The #REPORTNAME argument is now availble for inclusion in the logo.dat and elogo.dat files. 206460 The CAD Infor Display window is now scrollable left and right. 206262 Dimensions can now be created with an output type set to NONE. 206243 Autotrigger can now be used with touch trigger probes. 206138 The black bar for tolerance used was displays appropriately for unilateral tolerances. 206102 Box selecting of surfaces is available for some scan types. 206080 An ability to automatically calibrate the dual-arm alignment from a part program was added. 205843 FindHole now has three find options available - Center, Nocenter, Single Hit. 204572 Statistics output directories are maintained in a list for future recall. 204513 The Generic feature type was added to the Constructions menu. ------------------------------------ 3.2063 PROBLEMS FIXED ----------------------------------------- 211855 Features selected in a list box were not highlighting in the graphics window. 211770 Deleting basic scan sections from a patch scan would cause an application error when trying to construct a surface from the scan. 211738 Rotary table moves were not being properly synchronized with measurements when using the DEA interface. 211714 The Wenzel interface was not correctly updating coodinates after a rotary table move during table calibration. 211680 Statistical output truncated feature, program, and dimension names to 15 characters. 24 are now allowed. 211513 Selection of CAD surfaces has been improved to reduce selection difficulty. 211501 The Automation Export function was prompting for the export filename even if it was already specified in the VB code. 211489 Mirroring part programs containing external objects was not working. 211485 Probe crashes occurred while measuring external square slots. 211459 The defaults for the Dimension Format were not being saved. 211436 Control Points less than 1mm could not be entered. 211411 Fly mode is now disabled during toolchange cycles with the DEA interface to prevent possible probe crashes. 211380 Graphical analysis of True Position circle diameters was incorrectly depicting the datum circle. 211376 Manual probe changes were not being correctly prompted. 211371 Probe Calibration in Operator Mode was not always qualifying the correct tips for use in the part program. 211362 Negative tolerances were being shown as positive numbers in Summary Mode when Show Minus Tolerance as Negative was enabled. 211357 Basic scan types were not functioning on Cygnus machines. 211332 The SMX interface was prompting for unnecessary probe changes. 211268 Shading of CAD file was not working well when used with the Unigraphics DCI. 211265 Importing DMIS programs which had the DIMMES[KK,II] statement could hang PC-DMIS. 211233 Answering NO to save a scan after stopping execution was not showing the scan hits. 211232 Mirroring programs that contained an iterative alignment but no CAD caused applicaiton errors. 211216 The Gauss Filter was not working properly for tolerance values of zero. 211215 Measuring small outside diameters with large probe tips and small retract distances could cause probe crashes. 211201 Installation was asking to reboot the computer even when it wasn't necessary. 211192 When doing the location of multiple holes and using the tolerance and limit & fits, it was only applied to the first hole picked in the list. 211172 Cancelling from the Edit Window | Report | Customize dialog was saving changes. 211160 Auto Circles using Pitch that were created from CAD were not adjusting based on the part alignment. 211157 Some incorrect menu items were being made available during program execution. 211156 The group icons for the Remote Panel were not being removed when installing PC-DMIS overan pre-existing version. 211151 The Mitutoyo Bright interface was not correctly interpreting probe triggers during qualification of an MIP. 211150 Clearance moves during qualification with a Mitutoyo Bright interface were not being executed correctly. 211129 Importing some VDA-FS files could cause application errors. 211126 Some surfaces in some VDA files were not importing correctly. 211108 The sequencing between subroutine calls in a main program and external subroutine program were not always correct. 211097 No help was available when pressing F1 while the IGES File Setup dialog was open. 211089 Find and Replace operations were not correctly finding and replacing all special characters. 211087 Probe files identified as Read Only were not warning operators that changes could not be saved when they were opened. 211081 Multipage PDF Autoreports were printing saving only the first page of the report. 211072 The Tech80 interface was required to be initialized every time PC-DMIS was started. 211044 Application errors could be generated when Cancelling out of the Subroutine Selection dialog. 211040 Retro probes were not being correctly compensated when using the SMX machine. 211037 If a BASICSCAN object without hits existed in a part program, the program could not be opened after being closed. 211030 With the Delete CAD window open in wirefram mode, surfaces could not be selected for deletion. 210987 The bonus tolerance of a true position dimension could not be access by variables. 210968 Sheffield controllers were not always completing the toolchange cycle with ACR1 tool racks. 210940 The / character was causing invalid insertion errors when copying and pasting. 210935 Snap Points created in versions prior to 3.2 were not measuring correctly when opened in v3.2 if the targets and nominals were different. 210933 LMC and MMC were not being calculated correctly for constructed slots. 210904 PH9 probe heads were not always rotating correctly when using the Zeiss-GPIB interface. 210888 The Select Language dialog was not named during installation so it was not possible to install a default language from a Basic script. 210875 Moving external objects in Command mode of Edit window weren`t reflected correctly in Summary mode. 210837 Vectors of hits were not always updating when changing the vectors of a feature. 210836 Auto Feature coordinates create in a Polar reference system were not maintaining their exact dimensions. 210833 When the last dimension in a program contained 0 for the +TOL, the Out of Tolerance was not calculating correctly. 210809 The OK button on the Screen Color dialog was greyed out when changing screen color until after Apply was selected. 210793 AutoZoom in Hyper-Reports was not functioning correctly. 210748 Cutting and pasting an alignment was not keeping the nominal information correct when responding NO to update commands. 210747 Hyper-Reports were not being printed when PC-DMIS was executed in non-visible mode via automation. 210731 The ACIS DCI was not properly releasing computer resources when a program using and ACIS file was closed. 210725 Overwriting and existing program was not deleting the associated CAD file when creating a new program. 210706 Scans of more than 1000 points were causing application errors during probe compensation. 210697 Features used in Best Fit alignments and also True Position locations were corrupting programs. 210679 True Position dimensions were not being correctly output to PDF files. 210669 Opening a program with a Best Fit 3D alignment could cause application errors. 210665 Dimensions created after Equate Alignments were not always correct. 210657 The PCD_DMIS_DEFINES.DMI file was not being created for use in PC-DMIS generated DMIS programs. 210655 Tip identities that were more than 20 characters were being corrupted. 210653 True Positions dimensions using 2 datums were not always showing the correct feature diameter. 210648 Some programs created in v3.2063 with scans could not be executed in newer versions. 210617 3D Rotation was using left-hand rotation rules as opposed to right-hand rules. 210591 Merging imported DMIS programs was destroying alignments in the first program. 210557 Drawing path lines with an invalid probe file loaded was causing application errors. 210553 Some STEP files were producing application errors on import. 210534 The Leapfrog alignment was not being made available when using PC-DMIS Lite. 210520 Switching between polar and cartesian coordinates was not always updating coordinates correctly during execution. 210503 The Summary Mode window was not always updating correctly when inserting clearance planes. 210460 Move commands entered in the Edit Window after a MOVE/POINT command could not be changed from MOVE/POINT. 210440 Iterative alignment features were displaying their ID's with loop numbers attached. 210401 Manual override mode was not working correctly if DCC execution was stopped. 210364 The TOL field was being made available when using the Linear Filter for a Gaussian Filter. 210363 Motion errors were being disabled immediately when a loadprobe command was issued instead of at the mount point during a probe change. 210359 Roundness dimensions were not illustrating correctly in the Analysis window if the start angle was not 0 degrees. 210358 The hasp driver was not correctly installing the updated hasp software. 210335 Programs with True Position in earlier versions could sometimes not be opened. 210319 The coordinates for mirrored offset points were incorrect. 210318 Surface shading was not being correctly performed for some IGES files. 210316 Angle points were not updating target values to match measured. 210307 Application errors we experience when adding tip commands during import of Avail programs. 210298 Constructed BFRecomp features were not compensating for the probe radius from scan sets made with probe compensation disabled. 210296 Resolving dependencies during IGES file import was functioning too slowly. 210292 Auto Features were not updating the nominal values of associated dimensions during Find Nominals execution. 210278 Probe is not calibrated warning messages were needlessly being generated when using a SMX machine. 210276 Manual Scans could not be taken in a random 3D plane. 210274 The Read Position option for stud type features was cashing probe crashes. 210266 The Gaussian Filter size was not available to use as a variable in Visual Basic. 210265 The Gaussian Filter size was not available to use as a variable. 210264 The Gaussian Filter size was not available to use as a variable in the Edit Window. 210251 Scrolling of the report window was not possible prior to sending results to statistics. 210250 Copying an alignment and pasting was causing the cursor to position at the beginning of the Edit Window. 210100 The Sharpe interface was generating read position errors during delays in programming and machine operation. 210093 Error messages were not displaying on top when using the Visual Basic interface. 210088 Round Slots were not supported in DXG format. 210087 Round slots were not correctly implemented in DXF format. 210011 PC-DMIS was hanging during the import of some AVAIL programs. 209972 Calibration on old Faro controllers was not responding properly to the command buttons. 209933 Skipping manual measurement points in Execution Mode could cause application errors. 209919 Trimmed surfaces that shared the same bounding box with another could not be selected. 209889 Scan interrupts and control points were not being properly imported from or exported to VB 209880 During probe calibration on a Faro machine, the Measure and Cancel buttons had to be selected twice. 209877 File export was not functioning correctly if a decimal point existed in the full path file name. 209872 Constructing the intersection point between two circles was not functioning properly if the two centerpoints were in close proximity. 209870 Loading programs containing a graphical analysis of a Roundness dimension could cause application errors. 209865 ISO tolerances were missing for holes between 80 and 120mm for grades IT3 to IT8. 209840 The ACR2 toolchanger was not being properly created for slave arm operations. 209828 Dimension Info boxes in the CAD image of a hyper-report were moving on each execution. 209827 Rotary table calibration was not working with 4 or more calibration angles. 209817 Collision Detection was stopping on every valid probe hit and not only on collisions. 209812 Variables used in tracefield arguments in version 3.0x were not importing correctly into version 3.25x. 209809 Autotrigger was not funcioning properly with the Faro interface. 209808 Basic Hit vectors were not calculating correctly when manually editing a measured line. 209748,54 Printing from the probe calibration results window was not working in Windows95, 98, or ME. 209747 Selecting Dimension Options in the Analysis window for a circle was causing application errors. 209744 Programs with breakpoints before an iterative alignment could hang in execution. 209705 Graphical analysis of roundness was being rotated by 90 degrees. 209682 Executing hyper-reports could cause the results of angle between dimensions to change. 209680 The format for statistics names was not toggling properly between Feature Name an Dimension Name. 209673 Piercing CAD surfaces was missing the CAD when creating points based on the tesselation value. 209669 Application Errors were generated if a probe was qualified on a tool of zero diameter. 209658 No error messages were generated if illegal combinations of inputs were selected for constructed pierce points. 209638 Not all Auto Features allowed feature names with more than 15 characters. 209632 Basic Scan data was not being output in and IGES export file. 209628 Incorrectly formatted header and footer files were producing assertion errors. 209624 Put a negative sign in front of the first variable in an expression negated the sum of the variables instead of the first variable. 209604 2D and 3D distances to the X, Y, or Z axis were incorrect if the axis was the same as the workplane. This is not allowed. 209597 The Z and Y values could be transposed when asking for True Position. 209594 Variables in dimension blocks were being repositioned on import from version 3.0x. 209570 Printing to a file while executing marked sets was not creating file names based on the part program name. 209552 Rotary tables could move inadvertantly during scanning. 209528 Importing DMIS programs with outside circular features was not inserting the Move/Circular commands in the features. 209520 Dual-Arm programs using temperature compensation were reversing the axis sensors for the axis of the second command entered. 209505 True Position dimensions using 2 circular datums were not rotating correctly for the correct dimension. 209485 Find Nominals was finding nominal point data on CAD levels that were hidden. 209479 An Operator Mode shortcut was not available in the PC-DMIS program group. 209478 The shank vector for shank probes was not correctly udating following qualification. 209465 AutoPH9 was not saving new tips added during program execution. 209453 The cursor position was changing in the Edit Window after deleting features in the CAD window. 209443 Adding commands in Summary Mode now adds them in expended format. 209436 The VB commands for inserting new commands into a part program were not functioning. 209434 True position dimensions were not displaying correctly for the specified reference frame. 209428 Using the VB extension PartProgram.Quit was causing application errors. 209389 Print preview was attempting to print all new dimensions on the same page. 209339 Leapfrog alignments using point sets were not working correctly. 209351 The VisualBasic command WaitUntilReady was not working properly. 209331 PC-DMIS was not updating the status bar messages when scans following points in a program. 209274 True Positions dimensions could cause serialization errors in some programs. 209255 The measured angle information was not updating when switching from True to Complement angle types. 209193 Turning off CAD file layers was not also turning off the display of the CAD object names. 209180 The multi-datum format for True Position dimensions was not working correctly. 209145 The file d2hlnk32.dll was being installed into the wrong location. 209082 Importing a bad VDA file was causing application errors. 209079 Offset line was not working correctly when used in alignments. 209071 Executing programs that wrote to files from a loop could cause application errors. 209060 Qualification tools were not always created with the correct units if two programs were open simultaneously. 209058 Read Position was not working on some older Mora controllers. 209048 The ONERROR command was not working correctly in Master/Slave mode. 209041 The machine as mouse option was not correctly updating the status display when in mouse mode with the Faro interface. 209040 The machine as mouse option on the Faro interface can now be completely disabled. 209038 In the CMM Interface Options | Machine as Mouse window, you were not prompted to APPLY any changes made. 209030 The wrist calibration dialog was displaying incorrect default values for the B axis. 209029 Editing a Qualification Tool was not keeping the edited tool as the available tool. 209028 Editing a SLAVESPHERE tool would cause the tool type to becoome a SPHERE (master) type. 209011 Recall/Viewset commands were preventing the slave arm execution window from closing at the end of execution. 209002 A scan with surface points where the permanent was set to 0 would be created with permanent set to 3. 209000 Creating several sequential allignments for recall later was confusing the part coordinates. 208993 Hard probing was not working correctly with the Tech80 interface. 208983 Box selecting to create Auto Features was creating incorrect feature approach vectors. 208977 The PH10 was not always rotating when used with some older Mora controller interfaces. 208972,323 It was not possible to turn off cad image feature labels in the hyper-report window. 208968 Inserting LOADPROBE commands in report mode was causing application errors. 208964 The number of polyline segments used to divide a curve was limited to 50 and this caused some calculation problems. This in now limited to 100. 208959 Switching from Summary Mode to Report Mode required two button clicks to activate the Report Mode window. 208954 Importing a Unigraphics file was not always displaying all of the surfaces. 208937 Copying and Pasting Generic Features with an offset was not including the offset. 208933 Some IGES files contained surfaces which did not shade correctly. 208882 Printing hyper-reports could cause application errors if the screen refreshed during the print generation. 208849 Switching from Summary Mode to Report Mode was not loading the active inspection report. 208753 After changing the Loadprobe filename in the Edit Window, if the cursor was clicked over the logo bitmap, an application error was generated. 208735 The dimension icons were not printing on black and white printers. 208726 Executing subroutines that contained IF or CASE statements caused application errors. 208716 Error messages were not being generated if non-existent subroutines were called. 208710 The I-DEAS interface with Sun workstations was relatively slow. 208694 Subroutines executed in Master/Slave programs could cause application errors. 208481 Programs which were Quit without Saving while an Autosave copy existed could not be re-opened when the part program directory was different than the install directory. 208408 Messages indicating that no compensation file was available were not displaying when using the Sharpe interface. 208124 Programs generated with Catia models would generate errors when not connected to the Catia workstations. 207376 Graphics tesselation values were tesselating the probe image unnecessarily. 206478 Unigraphics generated feature IDs can now be imported to PC-DMIS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.25 Maintenance Release 1 (May 31, 2002) 212968 The interface objects were assuming too high a priority and occupying too many computer resources. 212962 Importing AVAIL programs was failing when there were Measure statements in the AUTO/DONE block. 212953 2D Vector fit alignments were causing application errors when the active plane set to YPLUS. 212937 Clearance planes were not always working correctly if scans were not relative to the Z plane. 212894 The latest version of the wcompens32_2.dll was not being installed with PC-DMIS. 212891 Dimensions reporting in Degrees,Minutes,Seconds format were not displaying negative values. 212879 Executing an external object was not working if the path name contained spaces. 212873 Variables used as control points in scans were being replaced with real values. 212870 Cylinder construction from 3 measured circles was not working. 212853 The settings toolbar was being truncated to the right. 212844 The slave arm was not always recognizing slave only alignments. 212837 Circles constructed from Vector Points were not being created at the correct Z coordinates. 212821 The notch feature was prompting for manual execution during a DCC execution. 212819 The LK interface was not properly recording probing points during calibration. 212782 Probe file errors were generated after looping many times with LOADPROBE commmands of probe files that used more than one DRAW component inside loops. 212779 Execute Mode was incorrectly prompting the operator to overwrite existing files during file write. 212775 The DEVANG option in the FORMAT command wasn`t being set. 212758 Creating a constructed point and then cancelling was leaving the point in the graphics window. 212726 Using the Show Path option was causing application errors in dual-arm part programs. 212722 The ISIOChannelSet command was not working correctly for setting Slave Arm bits from Master Arm commands. 212698 The IGES export engine only supported export of 262,144 objects. 16,777,216 are now supported. 212697 Toolchangers could not be used in Reverse Axis Mode if calibrated while not in Reverse Axis Mode. 212660 Manually adding a SAVE/ or EQUATE/ALIGNMENT command in the Edit Window was not working if a SAVE or EQUATE command already existed. 212646 DMIS export was not properly formatting "T" dimensions. 212634 Operator mode was not generating correct PDF report files. 212632 Statistics sent to Datapage by Feature type were being converted to Dimension type. 212607 Using a time delay of zero seconds was generating unnecessary error messages when using ACTIV temperature compensation. 212606 An emergency generated during System-5 column unload would necessitate recovering all columns in a rack. 212605 Slave module offsets were not being loaded correctly for use in dual-arm System-5. 212592 Selecting Wcompens32.dll compesation on a Leitz interface machine that was previously set to DEA Standard was causing application errors. 212591 An incorrect error message was being displayed during import of an IDEAS DCI CAD model. 212590 The fixture_slv.dat file was not passing throught the armarm.dat matrix when entering and leaving master/slave mode. 212589 ISIOCHANNEL bits were not being set correctly for slave arm System-5 columns during full calibration. 212588 If Column 1 was not loaded in the System-5 rack at the beginning of Full Calibration, the machine would attempt to retrieve the column anyway. 212581 The manual hand switch point trigger button was not fuctioning with the Tech80 interface. 212575 Execution was hangine when branch commands were being used in the part of the alignment that is re-executed automatically by the MEASALL=ALWAYS option. 212569 Expressions created in v3.2 programs were sometimes being corrupted on import into v3.25. 212558 GOTO commands for marked for slave arm only would cause PC-DMIS execution to hang. 212541 Application errors could be generated when executing Linear Closed scans with Relearn mode. 212535 Hits were not displaying in the Readout Window when using the Faro interface. 212532 The debug file was being created when using the Sharpe interface regardless of the options setting to create the file. 212508 The Report Mode window was not drawing the dimension tables used in loops correctly. 212487 Executing some Dual-Arm part programs that included subroutines could cause application errors. 212474 Temperature compensation could cause execution to hang on some Leitz interface machines. 212460 Angle Between dimensions were not showing the correct Out of Tolerance condition. 212452 The Fixture.dat and Fixture_slv.dat files were being saved in the program directory instead of the PC-DMIS root directory. 212488 Columns passed with modules attached to them were not being placed correctly in System-5. 212443 Part Coordinates were not properly displaying on the Leitz PMM jogbox. 212430 Constructing a point from any feature was creating the point at the origin rather than the feature's coordinates. 212428 Using the jogbox Done button in response to Read New Probe Position was causing application errors. -> Saying No to Read New Probe Position prompts was causing the CMM to move to the previous targe location. 212426 IO bits were not being set correctly for slave arm System-5 columns in the rack. 212418 Cutting from the Edit Window and then Undoing the cut was not recognizing valid TIP commands. 212412 Temporary installation files were not being deleted following installation. 212401 Analysis views were not opening in the correct workplane. 212397 Feature Cursor Highlight was not working in Text Box mode with wireframe views. 212389 The ISOCHANNELSET function was not working correctly according to program marking. 212384 Some programs utilizing While loops and array indexing were difficult to edit due to time delayed responses. 212366 The realative feature ID wasn't showing in the dimension list for Analysis Views in the Hyper-report window. 212361,56 Some problems with selecting surfaces for creating points were corrected. 212354 The SLCTMP and WKPPAR temperatures were not updating properly on Leitz interface machines. 212315 Dimensions created using variables for looped features were not outputting to statistics. 212307 PDF files were not created when executing from marked sets. 212300 Constructed feature ID's were not being updated in the Graphics Window simultaneously with the Graphics Window. 212255 Application errors were sometimes encountered when using File | Exit. 212251 Edge Point nominals were not being correctly found for the CAD surfaces. 212219 Toggling a newly created offset plane (without any inputs defined) to a point caused an unhandled exception. 212128 Indexed loop ID's were not displaying in real time in the Inspection Report Window during execution of dimensions. 212118 Hits taken while not executing an Operator Mode program were being appended to the part program on exit. 212098 Typing in a leapfrog command in the Edit Window followed by an F9 edit and then Close was causing application errors. 212044 Manually updating statistics was not functioning following abnormal exit of part program exectuion. 212042 A false probe trigger during calibration with the Tech80 interface was causing application errors. 212002 The Center Scan option was available with the Leitz interface even though it was not implemented in the controller. 211905 Surface point scans were not being properly compensated. 211883 Using the Axis option for the Center scan was not working. 211878 Editing the hit locations for sheetmetal features was not correctly recalculating the hit vectors. 211778 When using Find Nominals and Point Only Mode, messages indicating that a surface could not be found were not always displaying in the status bar. 211772 Comments remarks could not be inserted from the clipboard on new lines. 211769 Executing a program with an iterative alignment inside a loop was causing an application error on the second instance of the loop. 211768 Cancelling execution of a part program using the Metrocom interface could cause application errors. 211739 Using a retract distance of 1mm with the Metrocom interface was not working correctly. 211737 Using Absolute Speeds and a default value of greater than 100 was always inserting 100 for new part programs. 211715 Dimensions reported from nested loops which included aligments were not calculating correctly. 211629 Printing to PDF with Hyper-Reports in-line was generating 2 copies of the PDF file and also the hyper-report. 211619 The Delete and Backspace keys were functional in Operator Mode. 211615 Workplanes were not being correctly defined during Best Fit alignments causing previous alignments to be modified. 211543 Problems with circular moves during qualification were resolved with the DEA interface. 211502 Visual Basic Post functions were not working correctly. 211482 First selecting a Scriber tool was not latet allowing proper selection of SP600 probes. 211467 Incorrect vectors were found for curves that were close to straight. 211376 Manual probe changes were not being correctly prompted. 211350 Communications problems with the Metrocomm controller were resolved. 211267 Using a VB script to construct a circle from basic scan points was not working correctly. 211161 Blank pages were being inserted into results output to an rtf file. 211136 DCC Move Points were enabled in the SMX interface to allow fixturing device placement. 210883 Temperature compensation was implemented for the SMX interface. 210581 Dual-Arm part programs were not correctly attaching the associated arm to respective commands in included subroutines. 209580 Error messages relating to DCC machines were being generated on Manual DEA interface machines. 209158 The correct dialog window was not opening when a Catia DCI model could not be found. 208960 Exiting part programs utilizing the Metrolog interface could cause application errors. 208854 Feature labels used as variable could occaissionally be replaced by other feature labels during learn of a part program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.25 Maintenance Release 2 - December 12, 2002 XXXXXX Some changes to SP600 probe qualification routines to enhance accuracy. 214746 PC-DMIS was not always maximized on opening. 214686 The SP600MSTAR probe model was not utilizing all 9 connection points. 214682 The Axila machine interface was added and installation problems resolved for this interface. 214650 Reloading the active part program was causing application errors on exit. 214613 The Sharpe interface Done button was not working. 214526 "Alt -" was not working for deleting hits on Auto Cones. 214512 Spacing in the Probe Readout Window was not well organized. 214510 The Find coordinate function was not work in with Auto Point type features. 214497 Offset value signs were being inverted when constructing offset lines in loops. 214459 Curve construction was being limited to 530 points. 214450 The dialog boxes in the German language were incorrectly sized. & 213750 214448 The title bar in opened part programs was displaying old version information. 214418 Piercing a B spline curve with a ray does not always work. If this fails, the operator will need to set the PCDLRN.INI option AlternateCadMath=1. 214389 The measured hit points were not being calculated correctly for Auto Cones. 214379 Comment commands were not always recognizing variable inputs. 214353 The CAD Info dialog was not showing the correct import path for Pro-E files. 214336 It wasn't possible to select more than 119 features in a Construction dialog. 214335 The best fit math was not solving for Auto Cones. 214332 Box selecting of Auto Circles was not working. 214330 Axis scans were not always working with laser probes. 214324 The Automation GETCOMMAND and GETTEXT functions were failing. 214319 Imported DMIS constructed lines did not always have the correct vector. 214307 Autocalibration did not support wrist mapping on a dual-arm machine with infinite wrists. 214298 Clicking on the Active Tip List followed by a Ctrl+Home keystroke produced application errors. 214236 Best Fit alignment weights were utilizing only default tolerances. 214229 Extra spaces were being added after the $ symbol during DMIS import. 214225 Auto Circles created from AVAIL imports had Auto Move set to YES with Distance equal to 0. 214220 Manually edited tip IJK vectors were not being saved. 214189 It was possible only in Summary Mode to change the fit type of a 2D Best Fit alignment. 214140 Changes in probe orientation were not always updating graphically for the Faro interface. 214119 Using alignments inside loops could cause extra movement of the CMM. 214117 Internal errors were causing some outside Auto Circles to be measured twice. 214103 The PH1 rotation increments we incorrectly defined. 214101 True Position dimensions were not being correctly exported to Visual Basic scripts. 214097 CAD files generated from the Pro-E DCI were attempting to connect to the Pro-E workstation. 214089 2d Best Fit rotate only was not working. 214054 Setting Show Inputs for Best Fit alignments to OFF was having no effect during execution. 214045 Point selection on curves was not properly working. 214021 The NC-100 sensor was not capable of being used on the slave arm of a dual-arm machine. 214007 Using the Tolerances button in the Probe Utilities dialog was causing an application error. 213999 The Sheffield controller Error 50 was not being properly processed by PC-DMIS. 213996 Translating the CAD origin via Make CAD 3D was destroying the CAD graphics. 213972 The Calculations function of DPUPDATE was working correctly. 213946 After starting a new part program, clicking the Print button in the Results window of Probe Utilities was causing various problems. 213938 Axis reassignment was not allowing the Leitz interface to correctly calculate the SP600 matrix. 213928 Pierce point construction was generating errors even though the point was being created. 213910 Electing to show Extended Sheet Metal Options was causing probe crashes during scanning. 213909 Inserting an Autocalibrate Tip command was not correctly adjusting for tip diameter when using the Leitz protocol Trax calibration on common firmware controllers. 213904 With auto hyper-report turned on and auto print on load set, the report printed without dimensions. 213897 Calculation of the increments used for wrist calibration was improved. 213844 Continuously holding the Enable button with Leitz firmware was only collecting the first probing point. 213836 Slave Arm Autocalibrate Probe commands were not executing the correct positioning moves. 213834 Construction of some surfaces was producing application errors due to memory problems. 213830 Creating a BF constructed cone in the Edit Window and then changing the feature type was producing application errors. 213827 Collision detection was not working correctly. 213799 The DMIS output file name was changed to be the same as FILNAM/ statment. 213787 Generic feature ID's now will have the default labels starting with "F" instead of "SLT". 213781 True Positon dimensions of cylinders using the option Deviations to Centerline were not displaying correct graphical analysis. 213763 Calibration data for multiple probe files in a qualification part program using qualification checks was not being saved. 213761 It was possible to delete all tips in a probe file and lose the reference to any calibration data. 213760 The LK interface was responding slowly to manual hits during execution. 213751 Opening the SMX Tracker Pad 2 times was causing run-time errors. 213750 The German resources had problems with changing tabs for CMM Interface Options. 213741 The label format for scans in loops was being distorted after several executions. 213728 RMEAS functionality was causing probe crashes for imported DMIS programs. 213719 Constructing a cylinder from 2 Auto Circles was not functioning correctly. 213718 Unigraphics fixed a problem where UG was not releasing applications utilizing a UG file. 213717 The Unigraphics DCI was updating too frequently. 213685 Hyper-reports that combined text and graphics were not capable of also displaying dimensions. 213670 Usint the PROBEDATA() variable with no arguments was not returning the correct value. 213678 The Format command was not always correctly setting the header information for True Position dimensions. 213668 Base b-spline surface info was not being calculated for some trimmed surfaces causing import of these surfaces to fail. 213652 Deleting a feature from a Best Fid 2D alignment was causing application errors. 213649 Best Fit alignments could not be constructed from Feature Sets. 213647 Exclusion zones during System-5 column positioning were not being calculated correctly. 213645 Surface types that were not trimmed or bounded were not returning the correct surface vectors. 213642 Hyper-reports and the inspection report might not have had the same dimensions output. 213618 Arm2 could unexpectadly stop execution during a dual-arm part program. 213613 The version creation data was not being saved individually for probe files. 213609 The initial construction of a generic point was not being created in the CAD window. 213587 Probe triggers recieved after execution of a part program finished on a Tech80 interface were causing occaissional application errors. 213574 Basic scripts in nested loops were sometimes hanging execution. 213567 A pcdlrn.ini variable clearance distance was added for ACR1 toolchangers. 213545 Y axis offsets were not correctly calculating collision errors with Fixturing. 213527 Scan point compensation was causing application errors in large scans. 213519 Editing the weights of a Best Fit alignment was setting the Show All Parameters flag to NO. 213496 Iterative Alignments made from 3 spheres were not correctly calculating level and rotation vectors. 213485 Calibration of Faro arms was not returning the correct calibration error. 213484 The Autotrigger function was not working correctly with the trigger plane. 213445 Executing a marked but uncalled subroutine was hanging the report object when executing a branch command. 213437 The start points of constructed Mid Lines were not being calculated correctly. 213421 Dependent curves constructed from feature sets were not updating during execution. 213391 The Unigraphics DCI was not completely importing complete files of assembly drawings. 213390 The Best Fit alignment dialog was not showing all of the hit points in a scan. 213379 Sheffield machines were not always homing to the same position. 213377 The last line of inspection reports was not always printing. 213376 Nested IF statements were not executing correctly. 213366 The RAMOPTIC probe was incorrectly defined as a trigger device. 213340 Outside Diameter circles in AVAIL programs were being imported as Inside Diameter. 213330 Form and Location Profile dimensions that were out of tolerance were being displayed in the report mode as in tolerance. 213320 Importing a DMIS file with illegal syntax was causing application errors. 213304 Repositioned dimension labels were not having their positions saved for printing of Hyper-Reports. 213303 Alignments marked for slave arm only were not being properly updated by measurements of master arm features. 213292 Sheffield machines were not always homing to the same position. 213282 The values recorded in the OPTIONPROBE command were not always being used for probe calibration. 213266 Deleting Features from the Graphics menu were causing memory violations. 213253 Starting execution of a part program using a toolchanger was not always prompting correctly based on the first load probe command. 213248 The PCD_DMIS_DEFINES.DMI file was not being properly named when programs were exported in DMIS format. 213232 Full System-5 Calibration encountered alignment errors between the 2 arms during column calibration. 213230 Pattern pasting Best Fit alignments was not correctly creating the new alignments. 213225 External Command path names were not allowed to use spaces. 213223 Disengage Drives Mode on Leitz interface machines was generating unnecessary error messages. 213209 Performing low level matrix calibrations on SP600/Common controllers could corrupt the matrix if a previous matrix already existed. 213201 Probe components were not properly connecting to generic machine models. 213192 Leitz interface machines were not always executing every step in a part program due new ESTATUS error responses not being registered correctly. 213186 Saying No to take manual points after a scan interruption following an emergency was generating an application error. 213185 Having the PRBATT firmware parameter set very close to the machine limits was not always allowing a Leitz PMM to record points. 213169 Circles constructed from cones were not giving the correct result. 213146 The available alingment list was not updating after saving alignments. 213144 The initial vector of offset planes was not considering the vectors of the input features. 213133 The *.STEP extension is now available for STEP file import in addition to the *.STP extension. 213128 Invalid VolComp messages were being incorrectly generated on Numerex machines. 213127 Editing the THEO values of a feature and then copying the feature was retaining the original values. 213125 Changing a cast cylinder with no inputs to a BF cylinder caused application errors. 213123 Saving a program to an older version schema was corrupting the probe file when trying to re-use in the v3.25 schema. 213115 Qualifying in Fastprobe mode was not calculating the correct probe matrices or probe diameters. 213108 Selecting a subroutine that did not have the same serialization data as a part program prevented saving of the part program. 213090 Probe compensation was not always working correctly with the Faro interface. 213071 Point Only Mode with Find Nominals and CAD was sometimes producing application errors. 213060 It was not possible to change the workplane while a dimension dialog was open. 213056 Entering a negative tolerance in some dimension dialogs was not carrying the negative symbol to the edit window. 213039 The locations of Dimension Info boxes were not being saved in Hyper-Reports when they were edited. 213028 Incorrect prompts were being displayed for homing PMM machines. 213021 Slave arms were not executing subroutines with GOTO commands correctly. 213020 The Re-Measure option was displaying as Relative Measure in Summary Mode. 213012 The Edit Dimensions Info buttons were not correctly associated with the proper action in the German resources. 213011 Line feeds were not added after location dimensions when using the print command. 212998 Application errors were generated when converting an Offset Point to a Cast Point via the edit dialog. 212988 The Probedata variable was not passing the correct information when no arguments were assigned. 212975 The LK v5.3 interface was not correctly processing movespeed commands. 212965 IDOffsets were not saving correctly preventing leader lines for Auto Points to not draw correctly. 212870 Best fit constructed cylinders can now be created with more then 2 circles. 212826 The Automation PutText command was not supporting all possible values for PC-DMIS. 212156 Correct scale resolution was not always being set with Mitutoyo Bright interface ISA cards. 211823 Some VDA files were causing application errors on import. 211783 Dual-arm DEA interface machines were performing point-to-point scanning at different speeds. 211197 Probe graphics were being distorted by utilizing the fixturing dialog. 211129 Some VDA-FS files would cause application errors on import. 210793 Not all of the correct features were appearing in Autozoom Hyper-Reports. 210841 Find Hole ability was added for some Mitutoyo interface machines. 209922 Breaking the SMX tracker beam was causing problems with the ADM function. 208889 The Finish button was being made available in the Iterative Alignment dialog even if the feature selection was not finished. 208587 Modifying the scan increment in the edit window was not affecting the actual scan increment. 207996 The iterative alignment wizard was not allowing correct "drag and drop" or Next fuctionality. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.25 Maintenance Release 3 - June 09, 2003 217657 When a PH9 crash occurred, the CMM didn't stop to move or measure with a DEA-rs232 interface. 217371 The default color for AS3 file displayed as blue in DataView instead of black. 217323 Machine movement was not smooth around a sphere during probe qualification on LK machines. 217290 The SMX Laser was slow to record measurement points using the Ctrl+H option. 217274 The Qualification Check option in the Probe Measure dialog was not active if a non-motorized probe head was not present. 217272 Stop button on Zeiss-GPIB machine did not interrupt program execution. 217266 Switching a second toolchanger type after calibrating a first toolchanger caused application errors. 217225 The automation call for feat.GetInputID(index) failed for scan type features. 217187 Axis scans were not working on the common controller. 217174 An optional delay after rotary table movement was added to improve measurement accuracy. 217160 Executing a manual sphere offline jumped through the hits without waiting for acknowledgement. 217096 Programs imported from earlier versions would have the nominal values for angle between dimensions changed. 217087 FeatCommand.NumHits returned incorrect values for constructed features. 217021 The Angle2 Start and End angles for Auto Spheres were being changed during a Y axis mirror. 216833 The CAD select dialog was remaining open after closing the Auto Features dialog. 216753 Some surfaces in a UniGraphics DCI assembly drawing were difficult to select. 216749 Random errors were generated when using a rotary table with the Sharpe interface. 216748 Meausuring an outside Auto Cylinder using Height was creating an inaccurate location. 216663 Orbix error messages for the I-DEAS DCI were not being searched for in the proper direcotry. 216501 ID's couldn't be changed by the ASSIGN statment. 216478 The Keystone tracker was not functioning. 216467 Parallel plane contstruction was not working properly. 216444 Surface Points were causing error messages requiring an integer to be generated. 216422 The manual retract distance was not being properly reset after and illegal touch error on LK controllers. 216421 The target vector was updating incorrectly for Round Slots that were measured manually. 216420 The menu item for "Send Current Stats to File" did not function after Execute Feature was used. 216404 Check distance on find hole centering measurments was increased to 115%. 216403 The probe radius was added to the calculation for the check distance value. 216392 Autofeatures derived from a basic hit did not support the RMEAS/ABSOLUTE function. 216387 The INIT text was disappearing when switching to FINDNOMS for Auto Circles. 216353 Indications were added to the program printout to indicate Arm1 or Arm2 commands. 216271 End of page indicators were not being properly written to RTF files. 216227 True position deviation was not being calculated correctly for perpendicular to a centerline. 216226 The path to the statistics database now allows 255 characters. 216123 Find Nominals did not work properly for Auto Circle when selecting from a Unigraphics DCI files. 216109 A partial execution on a Zeiss GPIB would cause the probe readout counters to freeze. 216074 A change was made to the faceting tolerance to improve the rotation of Unigraphics DCI models. 216054 Copying programs with hyper-reports could cause the hyper-reports to be destroyed on execution. 216059 Manual DEA machines were not initializing properly. 216058 Vector Point find vector failed if the feature had metal thickness. 216006 Application errors ocurred after editing weights of best fit alignment features. 215965 Buttons in the Auto Features dialogs were remaining in a depressed condition. 215959 Importing DMIS programs with very many points was taking excessively long. 215914 An EnableEstatus argument was added to the pcdlrn.ini file to allow real-time updating of the XYZ readouts on Sharpe32 controllers. 215870 In F9 edit mode, the captioning for the AutoCone button was incorrect. 215801 Roundness (Conicity) for Auto Cones was not being calculated correclty. 215789 Some part programs with Auto cones and Hyper-reports were generating application errors if executed more than once. 215755 Auto Cone was not calculating correct nominal angle values. 215701 A pop-up menu is now available for hiding DES labels. 215699 Individual levels of a PC-DMIS generated AS3 files could not be viewed in DataView. 215667 Defining a probe with the LK interface could have caused the computer to hang. 215666 Taking a hit with Find Nominals in Curve Mode and the LK interface could haved caused the computer to hang. 215660 Emergencies on the DEA controller could not be reset after cancelling execution of a program with breakpoints. 215649 The CAD window in Hyper Reports was showing all elements after a second execution. 215617 Find Nominals in Point Only mode took to long to process with the Unigraphics, ACIS, and I-DEAS DCI's. DCI. 215616 Constructed perpendicular planes were not calculating correctly. 215595 User defined calibration order did not work with non-indexable star probes. 215594 Multiple probe changer operations were not function on Arm 2 of dual arm machines. 215576 Pierce CAD while in 3D Rotate mode did not work with the Unigraphics DCI. 215542 The cursor was repositioning in the part program after deleting features from the Edit Window. 215540 The CAD vector was not being used as the default vector for Ellipses. 215532 The graphical vector arrow for a new feature was drawing at the part origin after a vector edit. 215463 Startup with the SMX Laser was not always completing. 215426 Auto-Trigger, Auto-Trigger Plane, and Distance to Target with Auto Zoom between Feature types was not working correctly with the Faro interface. 215423 The XYZ scales froze after resetting the SMX tracker machine. 215412 Resetting the SMX tracker could lose XYZ indication if the Home procedure was not performed. 215411 Homing was not working after breaking the beam on an SMX tracker. 215334 Dimensions were not updated properly when using Positive Reporting. 215322 The TP20 sometimes generated errors when being changed with an ACR1. 215268 Auto Points could not be created from a DES set. 215264 The PDF print drivers were updated to resolve various file generation problems. 215232 The Polar / Cartesian toggle for generic features was operating in reverse in the German language. 215216 Cones constructed from scans were not always working due to bad initial scan points. 215187 The LK jogbox was ignored after an illegal touch during execution measurement of Auto Features. 215157 Constructed perpendicular and parallel planes were not caclulating correctly. 215147 Metal thickness could not be calculated correctly when using the Unigraphics DCI. 215128 An External Alignment didn't have an effect in the executing part program. 215116 The EditDimensionsInfo dialog had no proper selection of the checkboxes with German language settings. 215092 It was not possible to open the percentage listbox in the Edit Dimension Color dialog in the German version. 215071 The Metrolog interface was attempting to measure circles as cylinders. 214983 Measuring Auto Circle Studs with Read Position was causing probe crashes. 214862 Uninstall was not cleaning up all files. 214842 Duplicate copies of debug files were being created for the LK interface. 214841 Optimizations for CAD files were causing computer crashes with some graphics cards. 214788 The Undo function was causing switching from the Report window to the Edit mode to take too long. 214754 Changing the nominal in a dimension prompted excessively to update a features nominals. 214722 Zeiss probe changers were not working on Arm 2 of a dual arm machine. 214587 The tempdata.dat file now generates warnings when the file size is more than 250K. 214553 Measured points were not snapping to an alignment axis when using fixed probes. 214510 Auto Feature Find was not working with a Thickness and an inverted CAD vector. 214471 PC-DMIS created the wrong start and end angles for partial arc measurment with Auto Circle. 214358 Iterative alignment did not work on manual Sheffield machines. 214317 The minus sign could not be used as part of a variable. 214226 Multi-level toolchanger support was added for the TRAX toolchanger. 214143 AS3 export was processing all CAD entities instead of currently viewed entities. 214107 The T deviation was not displaying well in the Probe Readout Window. 214091 RTF files were always being saved as 8-1/2 by 11 paper size. 212816 Hyper-report leader lines were repositioning after several executions. 212518 Searching for probe files in sub-directories with the Global Used button in Probe Utilities for tip angles in now possible. 212468 Passing a tall System-5 column from one arm to another while passing a short column from the other arm to the first arm did not work. 211258 It was not possible to break program execution when in an endless loop. 208203 Circular moves have been implemented for the Mitutoyo interface. 203473 Wireframe selection order was not consistent with measurement order for square slots.